Statutory Rape: Sex between Young Teens and Older Individuals
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Social Security provides the primary life insurance protection for most children

The Economic Policy Institute released a report on October 5, 2005 which included information that the Bush Administration didn't tell you when they were trying to make changes in Social Security, and that is that Social Security is the only source of life insurance for poor kids.

"Social Security provides the primary life insurance protection for most children
This year's debate over Social Security has focused primarily on retiree benefits and has largely neglected the survivors and disability portions of the program. The fact that two-thirds of retirees receive at least half of their income from Social Security has become well-known.1 Yet many people seem unaware that about one in six Social Security beneficiaries receive survivor benefits as the spouses and dependents of deceased workers and another sixth receive disability benefits.2 In 2003, some 1.9 million children received survivor benefits at an average of $603 per month, totaling $14 billion a year.3 For many families, Social Security provides the only form of life insurance for their children."

Link: Social Security provides the primary life insurance protection for most children.


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