Morning meditation - Witnessing leads to love and humor
September 18, 2007
We are not our bodies because our bodies are changing throughout our life span. We are not our minds, our thoughts, because we change our thoughts all the time. We are not our feelings because our feelings can be like a roller coaster and they change constantly. We are not our personality because we can change our personalities when we identify traits or characteristics which we don't like. So, as a human being, who am I?
The better part of me is the witness. The witness is the observer, that part of me which watches my body, my thoughts, my feelings, my personality. Some people call the witness the soul. If there is part of us which survives death, it may be the witness.
The witness cares about the kind of persons we are and are becoming. It is this caring which is love. Love is caring about the kind of person you are and taking care of yourself, you want to care for other humans and the world.
In the spiritual life, we cultivate the witness. We become good observers and it is through witnessing that we develop greater experiences of compassionate love, and a good sense of humor.