Quote of the day
Quote of the day

Facts and opinions - making our own reality

The New Agers tell us that we can create our own reality.

What they mean is, as best as I can determine, that we can make our own meaning.

We usually cannot change the facts or the circumstances.

As the proverb says, "You have a right to your own opinion, but you do not have a right to your own facts."

As the bumper sticker says, "Reality is when it happens to you."

The facts can be tough sometimes. The truth can hurt. Shit happens.

In the United States we have lived though a delusional period in our national politics when policies were based on ideology not on reality. Many people are now calling for a reality based politics not an ideologically based politics.

In our personal lives, we probably function more effectively and efficiently, if not not more happily, when our decisions and choices are based on reality rather than fantasy.

If a 12 oz. can of soda has 6 oz. left it it, it is a fact that there are 6 oz. gone, but whether you choose to interpret this fact as the can being half empy or half full is up to you and the expectations of others for how they would like you to interpret the fact.

The events of your personal life and our national life roll on. These events are facts and indesputable, but you get to write the history and the history you write will influence how future events and facts are perceived.

As Bobby McFerrin sang in his great song, "Don't worry, be happy." Video lasts 3:43


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