MCCain, Gramm, and Bush don't know what they are talking about. The ecomomy really is bad, it's not just "psychological" as they claim.
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Psychologists engage in torture and war crimes

On Friday, July 18, 2008, Amy Goodman, host of Democracy Now, interviewed Jane Mayer, the author of the new book, The Dark Side, about the role that psychologists, and the APA played in torturing prisoners in the so-called "War On Terror".

It seems that America has lost its way under the Bush administration and has engaged in war crimes. Americans have lost their ideals under this administration as they have watched their leaders justify and engage in policies and behaviors that  disregard human rights, dignity, and justice.

It seems ironic that a President who engaged in illicit sex in the White House is impeached, while a President who is an international war criminal is ignored. What has happened to the American people?

Amy Goodman's interview is well worth listening to or watching. You can do so by clicking on the link below which will take you to the show on the Democracy Now web site.

Here is part of the interview. It lasts 8:29

Democracy Now! | July 18, 2008.



Most Psychologists have no understanding of the collective impact of their profession and no sense that they have any obligation as psychologists to social responsibility.So all psychologists should be concentrate to our profession.

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