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Purpose of marriage video 1

I am planning on doing a series of videos on marriage. I have been a licensed clinical social worker for 40 years and have accumulated a lifetime of experience which I think may be of benefit to people. Here is the first video in the series which I have entitled, "The purpose of marriage." Please leave your comments.

Purpose of marriage video 1, part 1 of 2. Video lasts 4:18.

Part 2 of 2. Video lasts 8:31


Dave Walden

Thank you David for sharing your insights, and your personal situation.

After 10 years of marriage and two children, I completely agree with you. Fortunately, my wife is my very best friend! We do have our issues, like all married couples, but we work through them. In many respects, I think my wife's growth from a psychological and relationship perspective has outpaced my own.
I'm now working on this area and trying to learn to be a better friend to my wife and father to my children.


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It will require a lot of work and commitment from both parties because it will not happen overnight. It requires that you work towards it so that you can create the right avenue to having a happy marriage.

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