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Dr. Raymond Barfield is interviewed in January, 2016 issue of The Sun Magazine

Jan 2016 cover


The interview in the January, 2016 issue of The Sun Magazine is with Raymond Barfield is a pediatric oncologist with a Ph.D also in philosophy. He currently works at Duke University where he is a professor in both the schools of medicine and divinity. Dr. Barfield has many interesting and exciting ideas about the integration of medicine and existential concerns. For example he says, “Physicians use biology to help people, but to be good doctors, we also need to know something about what matters to people when they are sick or dying.” Barfield advocates for the physician and other healthcare professionals to minister to the whole person not just to the body. I have often thought of the idea of health care professionals not just being mechanics of the body but healers for the soul of a person. The interview with Dr. Barfield stimulates many questions and reflections on what is good medical care in the twenty first century.

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