Buffalo ReUse recycles building materials instead of demolishing and sending to the landfill
June 11, 2008
How cool is this organization - Buffalo ReUse. Here is a brief description from their web site:
Organizational Overview
Organizational Overview
Buffalo ReUse, Inc. is a not-for-profit organization committed to developing the practice of deconstruction to create a community minded alternative to demolition. In Buffalo between 10,000 and 20,000 structures await demolition and the city has tentative plans to demolish 1,000 houses a year indefinitely. Deconstruction, the careful disassembly of a building in the opposite order to the way it was originally built, is the vehicle for diverting reusable materials from the landfill; providing a source of high quality materials for homeowners; providing meaningful job opportunities; and creating positive changes in the neighborhoods in which we work.
Buffalo ReUse facilitates the techniques of hybrid deconstruction to disassemble buildings more efficiently and safely, while also maximizing the quantity of materials that can be reused. Hybrid deconstruction is an intelligent combination of human labor and machines. The technique was developed by ReUse Consultant
David Bennink
, and Buffalo ReUse has been training with Mr. Bennink to integrate these techniques into our operation. Hybrid deconstruction involves carefully dissecting a building into large chunks that are lowered to the ground with the assistance of a telescopic fork lift. On the ground, reusable materials can be safely and efficiently removed, sorted, organized, and resold.
The practice of deconstruction is physically demanding and requires a heads-up and safety minded attitude. Coordination and efficiency is the key to our success and it is critical that all employees remain focused and work as a team.