Sermon rating form
Rate the sermon on a scale of 0 - 10 with 10 meaning that the element is present 100% and 0 meaning element non existent.
Articulateness – coherence
Does the sermon make sense? Can you state the main points the preacher was trying to make?
Rating = _________
Can you apply the main points of the sermon to your personal life, your relationships with others, and to the world?
Rating = _________
Spiritually nourishing, inspiring, motivating
After the sermon did you feel an increase in energy as compared to no change or a decrease in energy?
Rating = ________
After the sermon do you feel encouraged to grow, to become more than you are, to invest effort in making the world a better place?
Rating = ________
Total rating score =________
8 or less = very poor
8 – 20 = needs lots of improvement
20 – 30 = acceptable and needs tweaking
30 or above = excellent
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